The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Carolyn Hax chat: My friend clearly favors one child over the other

Most Fridays, advice columnist Carolyn Hax takes your comments and questions. Carolyn has hosted this chat since 1998, answering your wide-ranging questions about life, family, relationships and more. Some questions may be adapted into full columns.

This week’s live chat is over, but you can read a transcript from the discussion below. Carolyn’s next live chat is at 12 p.m. on Jan. 26 and you can submit questions here. You can also submit questions for her column by emailing

We’re making it easier for you never to miss one of these Friday chats. Sign up here to receive an email right as the chat is about to start.

Here’s a glossary of frequently used chat terms. Read transcripts from past live chats here.

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