The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Many residents of northern D.C. are asked to boil water

Officials issued the advisory after a loss of water pressure Friday

Map of the boil-water advisory in Washington, D.C. (Washington, D.C. government)
2 min

In a precautionary move, officials asked residents of much of the northern part of D.C. to boil water before drinking or cooking with it after a loss of water pressure Friday.

A loss of pressure, which may have many causes, can permit potentially harmful pathogens to enter the water distribution system.

“Do not drink the water without boiling it first,” the D.C. Water said in an alert issued Friday evening. (The water should be allowed to cool before drinking it.)

The authority said the advisory would stay in effect until tests show that the water is safe. D.C. Water said home filtering devices should not be used in place of boiled or bottled water.

A map of the affected area includes a large portion of the Chevy Chase neighborhood, as well as surrounding and adjoining areas, including to the east and to the south. A section of Northeast Washington is included.

According to D.C. Water, large parts of Wards 3 and 4 are affected. Parts of such corridors as Connecticut Avenue, 16th Street NW, Georgia Avenue NW, and Military Road and Missouri Avenue NW are included.

Those with questions were advised to call the 24-Hour Command Center at (202) 612-3400 to determine if they are in the affected area.

D.C. Water said in its notice that customers in the affected area should use the following guidance:

  • Discard any beverages and ice made after Friday at 11 a.m.
  • Run cold water until clear (if discolored) before boiling.
  • Run cold water for two minutes if known sources of lead are present before boiling.
  • Bring water to a rolling boil for one minute and let it cool.
  • Store cooled water in a clean, covered container.

Cooled, boiled water or bottled water should be used for:

  • Drinking.
  • Brushing teeth.
  • Preparing and cooking food.
  • Washing fruits and vegetables.
  • Preparing infant formula.
  • Making ice.
  • Giving water to pets.